Engineering and Food Technology Tours

Picture of Gerry Atkin
Engineering and Food Technology Tours
by Gerry Atkin - Monday, 11 September 2023, 2:20 PM

Engineering and Food Technology Tours 

Monday 2nd October 2pm or Friday 6th October 11am 

This event is for anyone interested in studying Engineering or Food Technology at our Manawatū campus. If you have already been to one of our events this is your chance to give your parents or caregivers the opportunity to see our facilities. If you have not visited us before, come and see what we have to offer. 

The tours include a look inside our labs, workshops, student spaces within the Riddet building, and lecture theatres used for first year classes. We will also take a look around our campus including the library, student dining hall and accommodation. The tours will be done in small groups so if there is anything else you would like to see just let us know. There will be plenty of student projects to see along the way so you can get a feel for our hands-on learning approach. 

These tours are being run during the school holidays for Year 12 and 13 students and their whānau. Register for the time which suits you best. 

Register here: