Touch Notice

Hình của Sally Wenham
Touch Notice
Bởi Sally Wenham - Wednesday, 25 October 2023, 11:30 AM

Can you check your school shoes you picked up after touch please. A student could not locate his when he went to retrieve them after his game. His shoes have orthotics in, so would definitely be noticeable as not yours. Please bring them back in to school, no questions asked, mistakes happen. I have asked the Touch module to keep an eye out for any left behind tonight as possibly yours are still sitting at the field where you left them!

Apologies everyone for the touch mishap. The draw did change from the first week but we didn't receive it. Apologies to parents for that and thank you for hanging around longer to allow your son to play. A couple of the teams did miss out, as they either missed their game time or couldn't hang around, we will endeavour to work out a catch-up game for you.

Thank you for your understanding.

Fingers crossed next week goes to plan!

Mrs Durston