Farewell Mrs Kennedy

画像 Gerry Atkin
Farewell Mrs Kennedy
2024年 02月 20日(Tuesday) 14:41 - Gerry Atkin の投稿

Mrs Kennedy joined the staff in the PNBHS Library in October 2000, initially in a job-share position with another librarian.  The school library is an important resource utilised by students and staff alike to support teaching and learning and by students reading, playing card games and board games and accessing online resources outside of class time.  Consequently, the library staff make a significant contribution to our school. 

In her role Mrs Kennedy has always shown great compassion and empathy when dealing with reluctant readers and has done an excellent job taking our Year 9 students on small group tours of the library and its services. Her many years of experience of matching good books to the right boys will be missed!

With a nursing background, she has kept an ordered and tidy library - as well as tidy students.  Her creative flair is obvious in the number of excellent displays which she set up over the years, with which to promote our books to teenage boys. Some memorable displays included a Motocross bike, a skeleton and others a hunter’s ghillie suit and decoys for duck shooting season.

Mrs Kennedy has been completely reliable and enthusiastic throughout her 23 years of service to Palmerston North Boys’ High School and has been a welcoming presence in the school library for both young men and staff. 

Mrs Kennedy is looking forward to being able to travel and spend more time with her family.  We thank her for her contribution to PNBHS and wish her all the best for her next adventures.