Year 10 student Eric McKee publishes novel

รูปภาพของGerry Atkin
Year 10 student Eric McKee publishes novel
โดย Gerry Atkin - Thursday, 20 August 2015, 7:26AM

Congratulations to Year 10 student Eric McKee who has just published his first novel, Sword of Clay - Book 1 in The Messenger Guild Trilogy.  Eric began writing Sword of Clay while being home schooled and living in Turkey.  He became so engaged with the story, and the writing process, that he extended the task into a full novel.

Eric describes Sword of Clay as a “fantasy set in medieval times” which tells the story of Raphael, the son of a High King. The High King is defeated in battle when Raphael is only a baby, and the novel tells his journey of discovery about his heritage:

‘Things weren’t going well for Raphael. His sword had shattered, and with it, his dreams of winning the most prestigious tournament in Basra.  Now his pendant, the one link to his dead parents and his past, is broken.

Raphael never suspected that behind the scenes, a long hidden conspiracy was unfolding – one that threatened to tear the islands five kingdoms apart.  Now he must embark on a quest to discover the truth about his past, and in so doing, must face a task he had never prepared for – opposing the chaos that threatens his very world.”

Writing Sword of Clay has taken Eric three years “on and off”, although he has worked with his parents in recent months to finish the writing process and get the novel ready for publishing.

Sword of Clay is available for purchase at the Albert Street markets during September, or online via Eric’s website:

We look forward to the next instalment in the Messenger Guild Trilogy.