Play Book Bingo and the Junior Reading Challenge

Picture of Gerry Atkin
Play Book Bingo and the Junior Reading Challenge
i le Gerry Atkin - Friday, 14 February 2025, 7:51 AM

Play Book Bingo!  Read a book and answer the question that best suits the book. When you have three answers in a row, get it signed off by one of the librarians. Your name will go into the prize box to win a canteen voucher.  You can also get these books recorded for the Junior Reading Challenge.

The Junior Reading Challenge encourages and rewards young men in Year 9 and Year 10 for reading.  As you finish each book during the year, talk to your English teacher or one of the librarians to have it recorded.

·      15 books read and logged = Bronze Award

·      20 books read and logged = Silver Award

·      30 books read and logged = Gold Award

All students who earn an award will have their certificates presented at assembly and a morning tea with the Rector in term 4.

Please see one of the librarians or your English teacher with any questions.