2016 Senior Production - Happy Days

Imagen de Ella Mitchell
2016 Senior Production - Happy Days
de Ella Mitchell - Monday, 21 de September de 2015, 12:25

Next year’s PNBHS/PNGHS Senior musical Theatre Production, Happy Days. Based on the TV series that ran from 1974 -1984, it features all the iconic characters such as The Fonz, The Cunninghams, Chachi, Potsie, Ralph the Malph, Pinky Tuscadero etc.


The compulsory information evening on TONIGHT Monday Sept 21 - 7:30pm Speirs Centre!

This is for all students who want to audition for Cast or Band. Production is a huge commitment and students and their families need to go in with their eyes open – parents are welcome to attend. Cast is open to those who will be Year 11 or higher in 2016. Band and crew are open to all. If you have a prior commitment that night you must contact Mr Burton (the Director) before the meeting – or 027 623 7395 to be guaranteed the opportunity to audition.


Further details of the production, pre-audition and audition material and forms can be found at:

·       Website - CLICK HERE

·       Stratus - CLICK HERE

·        The PNBHS/PNGHS companies’ Facebook page (closed)

·        The PNBHS Drama Facebook page (public)