Shand Shield Choral

Ella Mitchell的相片
Shand Shield Choral
Ella Mitchell發表於2015年 09月 24日(Thu) 18:55

A number of boys from each club took part in the Shand Shield Choral Competition this afternoon, adding to their overall club points for Shand Shield.  

The results were:
1st. Kia Ora
2nd. Albion
3rd. Murray
4th. Phoenix
5th. Vernon
6th. Gordon

Choral was added to the Shand Shield competition in 2003 to ensure the competition better reflected the variety of opportunities that are available to young men at Palmerston North Boys' High School. Each club group is student led and directed, and it has become tradition for the winning club to perform their items at assembly.

View more pics on this link:  Club Choral pics

(Edited by Dom King - original submission Thursday, 24 September 2015, 3:58 PM)