Willie Apiata Youth Programme - Wellington, Monday 21 September

画像 Ella Mitchell
Willie Apiata Youth Programme - Wellington, Monday 21 September
2015年 09月 30日(Wednesday) 15:28 - Ella Mitchell の投稿
20 secondary students participated in this Westpac Bank initiated programme which ran this week with events in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington. It is a pilot project and we were honoured to receive five places on the programme. 

Five young men from PNBHS were given the opportunity to attend and, as you can see, they had a long and challenging team building day with direct mentoring from Willie. He talked to them all as individuals and as a group on role modelling, leadership, teamwork and goal setting and becoming a good person in life for others to look up to. 

These young men were: Zico Batchelor, Teina Pirimona-Whaanga, Jayden Poole, Jack Putu and Ray Samuels-Elliott. 

In the words of one parent who assisted our School by transporting some young men to the event - "My thoughts today have been on humility and that it is a very difficult quality to bestow and one that I wish more people were possessed of, myself included. I feel the kids that were there yesterday experienced something very rare that they won't fully appreciate until they're older. A very real and genuine teaching moment."

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