Te Ariki Te Puni- "Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It".

画像 Ella Mitchell
Te Ariki Te Puni- "Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It".
2015年 10月 12日(Monday) 20:54 - Ella Mitchell の投稿

Last month Te Ariki Te Puni won the prestigious Korimako Trophy at the 50th celebration of the Nga Manu Korero Speech competition for his speech, ‘Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It’. 

The Korimako contest was sponsored originally by a former Governor General, Sir Bernard Fergusson, Lord Ballantrae, whose express aim was to encourage among Maori pupils a greater command and fluency in the use of spoken English.

The judges described his speech as ‘powerful with substantive ideas’ and noted that he is a ‘composed orator who is skilled and articulate’.

Te Ariki also won the impromptu section with a three minute speech on ‘Why is ICT so Important to Everyday Life’ and for this he receives another magnificent trophy. 

Te Ariki has certainly put PNBHS in the spotlight across the whole of NZ and his efforts will enhance and grow the reputation of Maori students at our school where we know that ‘nothing is achieved without hard work’. 

Te Ariki, we are all extremely proud of you.

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