Year 9 Reading Challenge

Gerry Atkin的相片
Year 9 Reading Challenge
Gerry Atkin發表於2017年 09月 18日(Mon) 09:21

The Year 9 Reading Challenge is an initiative to encourage young men to read and rewards them once they reach milestones in terms of the number of books completed. Once young men have logged 15 books the Bronze Challenge will be marked as complete. They can carry on and add more books to finish the Silver (30 books) part of the Challenge, and then the Gold (60 books).

Students who have logged 15 books (Bronze) will receive a certificate at assembly and a morning tea shout from the Rector. Students who meet the Silver and Gold criteria will receive additional certificates and morning tea shouts from the Rector. Students can check in with the library staff before school, at interval, lunchtime or afterschool, or with Dr O'Connor or Mrs Rankin from the English department on Monday mornings during Form Time.