English Words From Voice of America (Charles Kelly)

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to produce thoughts; to form ideas in the mind; to consider; to believe


coming after two others


of or about the person, place or thing nearby that has been spoken about already


to warn that one will do harm or cause damage


in at one end and out at the other; from front to back; from top to bottom; with the help of; by


to cause to go through the air by a movement of the arm


to join or hold together with some material; n. anything that joins or unites; links or connections ("The two nations have strong trade ties.")


that which is measured in minutes, hours, days and years; a period that can be identified in hours and minutes and is shown on a clock; a period when an event should or will take place


having less strength because of work or exercise; needing sleep or rest


living material; a group of cells that are similar in appearance and do the same thing

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