Science Terminology for 11-13 Yr Olds --- (Jon Witts)

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This contains 12 individual glossaries based on the units from UK Year 8 Key Stage 3 Science.[11-13 Yr Olds] 

They are:


  • Food and Digestion Glossary
  • Respiration Glossary
  • Microbes and Disease Glossary
  • Ecological Relationships Glossary
  • Atoms and Elements Glossary
  • Compounds and Mixtures Glossary
  • Rocks and Weathering Glossary
  • The Rock Cycle Glossary
  • Heating and Cooling Glossary
  • Magnets and Electromagnets Glossary
  • Light Glossary
  • Sound and Hearing Glossary 

Browse the glossary using this index

Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL

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Plant kingdom

group of living things which make their food using chlorophyll


fluid part of the blood which carries everything apart from oxygen around the body

Population size

number of individuals in a species in a specific area at a specific time


a rock with spaces between the grains


an animal which hunts other animals for food


form written by a doctor to get medicines, includes antibiotics


an animal which is hunted and eaten by another animal

Primary colours

three colours (red, blue and green) that combine to give all the other colours seen by the human eye

Primary consumer

the first animal in a food chain; it always eats the producer


plants, which produce their own food using energy from the Sun

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