Global History & Geography for 14-15 Yr olds USA) (Thomas Caswell)

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Thomas describes this database: "This 800+ term glossary is based on the New York State curriculum for 9th and 10th grade social studies. Called "Global History and Geography," this curriculum culminates in a high-stakes Regents examination that all students must pass in order to graduate and earn a high school diploma."

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A government's legislative body.

parliamentary democracy

A form of government where the citizens elect members to represent them in a parliament, or legislative assembly.


A large temple dedicated to the goddess Athena on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. It was built in the 5th century BCE, during the Athenian golden age.


The cooperative relationship between two or more people who are involved in the same activity.

Pasteur, Louis

(1822-1895) French scientist who discovered the link between germs and disease. He also showed that killing germs, often prevented the spread of certain diseases.


A member of the upper class of ancient Roman society.


Relating to, based on, or tracing ancestral descent through the paternal line.


Someone who provides support to a specific cause and/or person/people.

Pax Mongolia

Also known as the Mongol Peace. A time when global trade expanded due to the political stability provided by Mongol rulers.

Pax Romana

A 200 hundred year period of relative peace throughout the Roman Empire. Occurs during the first two centuries C.E..

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