US Educational Terms Glossary (Garland Green)

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Glossary of Educational Terminology Garland found while surfing the web.

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School Site Council (SSC)

A group of teachers, parents, administrators, and interested community members who work together to develop and monitor a school's improvement plan. It is a legally required decision-making body for any school receiving federal funds (see School Improvement Plan).

Scientific Knowledge

Knowledge that provides people with the conceptual and technological tools to explain and describe how the world works.

Scientifically Based Research

Research that involves the application of rigorous, systemic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to educational activities and programs. (Ed Source)

Scoring Guide

A set of guidelines for rating student work. A scoring guide describes what is being assessed provides a scoring scale and helps the teacher or rater correctly place work on the scale. (See rubrics.)


State education agency (e.g. state department of education)


Southwest Educational Development Laboratory

Sheltered English

An instructional approach in which classes are composed entirely of students learning English. Students are taught using methods that make academic instruction in English understandable. In some schools, students may be clustered in a mainstream classroom.

Single-Subject Credential

A credential required to teach middle or high school. It authorizes a teacher to teach in a single subject area such as English or a foreign language.

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged

Students whose parents do not have a high school diploma or who participate in the federally funded free/reduced price meal program because of low family income. (Ed Source)

Spanish Assessment of Basic Education, Second Ed. (SABE/2)

A norm-referenced assessment required for all Spanish-speaking students in grades two through eleven who have been enrolled in California schools for less than one year. SABE/2 is part of the STAR program and the results are part of the school's API. It covers Spanish/language arts and mathematics. (Ed Source)

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