US Educational Terms Glossary (Garland Green)

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Glossary of Educational Terminology Garland found while surfing the web.

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Special Day Classes

Full-day classes for students with learning disabilities, speech and/or language impairments, serious emotional disturbances, cognitive delays, and a range of other impairments. Classes are taught by certified special education teachers. A student may be placed in a regular classroom as appropriate according to the student's IEP.

Special Education

Special instruction provided for students with educational or physical disabilities, tailored to each student's needs and learning style.

Staff Development Days

Days set aside in the school calendar for teacher training. School is not generally held on these days.

Standardized Tests

  • Assessments that are administered and scored in exactly the same way for all students. Traditional standardized tests are typically mass-produced and machine-scored they are designed to measure skills and knowledge that are thought to be taught to all students in a fairly standardized way. Performance assessments also can be standardized if they are administered and scored in the same way for all students.

  • A test that is in the same format for all who take it. It often relies on multiple-choice questions and the testing conditions—including instructions, time limits, and scoring rubrics—are the same for all students, though sometimes accommodations on time limits and instructions are made for disabled students. (Ed Source)


Statements of what students should know and be able to demonstrate. Various standards have been developed by national organizations state departments of education districts and schools.

Student Assistance Program

A school-based program modeled on employee assistance programs that focuses on addressing students behavior and performance at school and includes a referral process to help students address identified problems.

Student Study Team

(also referred to as Student Success Team)

A team of educators that comes together at the request of a classroom teacher, parent, or counselor to design in-class intervention techniques to meet the needs of a particular student.

Student Teacher

A teacher in training who is in the last semester of a teacher education program. Student teachers work with a regular teacher who supervises their practice teaching.

Systemic Reform



Teaching for Understanding

A teaching method that focuses on the process of understanding as the goal of learning rather than simply the development of specific skills. It focuses on forming connections and seeing relationships among facts procedures concepts and principles and between prior and new knowledge.

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