King James Bible (Samantha Davis)

Note: You may download the entries for this glossary here. If you wish to use this in your own Moodle course, first make a blank glossary and then follow the instructions for importing glossary entries here.

This glossary contains the first of many files - Samantha says: So... I put the entire bible (32k verses) into a glossary in the format:

Gen 1:1 (concept)
In the beginning... (definition)

I'm providing the link to it on Google Docs. Inside the zip file, you'll find 11 .txt files. part1-10 are the txt files that you upload into the glossary import. They range from 1.9 to .7 MB, I believe. The other one is a sample file - if you needed to break up the files more. Just paste inside the space. 

Browse the glossary using this index

Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL

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Exo 36:22

One board had two tenons, equally distant one from another: thus did he make for all the boards of the tabernacle.

Exo 36:23

And he made boards for the tabernacle; twenty boards for the south side southward:

Exo 36:24

And forty sockets of silver he made under the twenty boards; two sockets under one board for his two tenons, and two sockets under another board for his two tenons.

Exo 36:25

And for the other side of the tabernacle, which is toward the north corner, he made twenty boards,

Exo 36:26

And their forty sockets of silver; two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another board.

Exo 36:27

And for the sides of the tabernacle westward he made six boards.

Exo 36:28

And two boards made he for the corners of the tabernacle in the two sides.

Exo 36:29

And they were coupled beneath, and coupled together at the head thereof, to one ring: thus he did to both of them in both the corners.

Exo 36:3

And they received of Moses all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it withal. And they brought yet unto him free offerings every morning.

Exo 36:30

And there were eight boards; and their sockets were sixteen sockets of silver, under every board two sockets.

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