King James Bible (Samantha Davis)

Note: You may download the entries for this glossary here. If you wish to use this in your own Moodle course, first make a blank glossary and then follow the instructions for importing glossary entries here.

This glossary contains the first of many files - Samantha says: So... I put the entire bible (32k verses) into a glossary in the format:

Gen 1:1 (concept)
In the beginning... (definition)

I'm providing the link to it on Google Docs. Inside the zip file, you'll find 11 .txt files. part1-10 are the txt files that you upload into the glossary import. They range from 1.9 to .7 MB, I believe. The other one is a sample file - if you needed to break up the files more. Just paste inside the space. 

Browse the glossary using this index

Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL

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Exo 36:6

And Moses gave commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, Let neither man nor woman make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary. So the people were restrained from bringing.

Exo 36:7

For the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it, and too much.

Exo 36:8

And every wise hearted man among them that wrought the work of the tabernacle made ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work made he them.

Exo 36:9

The length of one curtain was twenty and eight cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits: the curtains were all of one size.

Exo 37:1

And Bezaleel made the ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half was the length of it, and a cubit and a half the breadth of it, and a cubit and a half the height of it:

Exo 37:10

And he made the table of shittim wood: two cubits was the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof:

Exo 37:11

And he overlaid it with pure gold, and made thereunto a crown of gold round about.

Exo 37:12

Also he made thereunto a border of an handbreadth round about; and made a crown of gold for the border thereof round about.

Exo 37:13

And he cast for it four rings of gold, and put the rings upon the four corners that were in the four feet thereof.

Exo 37:14

Over against the border were the rings, the places for the staves to bear the table.

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