Maths Terms for 11-13 Yr Olds

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James says: "This is glossary of terms for UK KS3 Maths,[ages 11-13] taken Works quite well with a 'random glossary entry' html block on a main course page since the definitions are in a small font size.

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An imperial measure of volume applied to liquids or capacity. In the imperial system, 8 pints is equal to 4 quarts, or 1 gallon. 1 pint is just over 0.5 litres in metric (568ml).

Place Value

The value of a digit that relates to its position or place in a number. Example: in 1482 the digits represent 1 thousand, 4 hundreds, 8 tens and 2 units respectively; in 12.34 the digits represent 1 ten, 2 units, 3 tenths and 4 hundredths respectively.


In geometry, a two-dimensional diagram of a three-dimensional object, usually the view from directly above.


A flat surface. A line segment joining any two points in the surface will also lie in the surface.


The process of marking points. Points are usually defined by co-ordinates and plotted with reference to a given coordinate system. Noun - a collection of these points on a graph.


An element, in geometry, that has position but no magnitude, for example a corner (vertex).


A closed plane figure bounded by straight lines. The name derives from 'many angles'.

If all interior angles are less than 180 degrees the polygon is convex. If any interior angle is greater than 180 degrees, the polygon is concave.

If the sides are all of equal length and the angles are all of equal size, then the polygon is regular; otherwise it is irregular. Adjective: polygonal.


A 3D closed solid figure bounded by surfaces (faces) that are polygonal. Its faces meet in line segments called its edges. Its edges meet at points called vertices. For a polyhedron to be convex, it must lie completely to one side of a plane containing any face. If it is not convex it is concave. A regular polyhedron has identical regular polygons forming its faces and equal angles formed by its surfaces and edges. Example: a cube. Plural: polyhedra.

Positive Number

Any number greater than zero. Where a point on a line is labelled 0 and equally spaced points to one side of it are labelled +1, +2, +3 etc., these, and the numbers represented by decimal points between them, are positive numbers and are read ’positive one, positive two, positive three’ etc.

Pound (mass)

Symbol: lb. An imperial unit of mass. In the imperial system, 14 lb = 1 stone. 1 lb is approximately 455 grams. 1 kilogram is approximately 2.2 lb.

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