Maths Terms for 11-13 Yr Olds

Note: You may download the entries for this glossary here. If you wish to use this in your own Moodle course, first make a blank glossary and then follow the instructions for importing glossary entries here.

James says: "This is glossary of terms for UK KS3 Maths,[ages 11-13] taken Works quite well with a 'random glossary entry' html block on a main course page since the definitions are in a small font size.

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@ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Alle


1D. 2D, 3D

One-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional. One-dimensional: able to be identified by one co-ordinate, for example points on a line.

Two-dimensional: requiring two co-ordinates for identification, for example points in a plane. Also used to describe flat geometric shapes.

Three-dimensional: requiring three co-ordinates for identification, for example points in space. Also used to describe solid geometric shapes