Glossary of Glossary Ideas

Note: You may download the entries for this glossary here. If you wish to use this in your own Moodle course, first make a blank glossary and then follow the instructions for importing glossary entries here.

This was begun as a list of ideas from a chat on creative ideas for using the Moodle Glossary module and was set up by Paula Clough.


พิเศษ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ทั้งหมด

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Favorite Websites

 By James Gates 

Favorite websites

  • I suggest that they add favorite websites that they find that are appropriate for the class. THe concept is the name of the site and the definition contains the description and the url. I had done that with the database, as well, but I like the fact that the block can pull from them randomly, etc.  

Feedback FAQ Glossary

by Mary Parke - Friday, April 17, 2009, 11:57 PM

c) FAQs for the course compiled by the instructor from feedback from students in prior term courses


Introduction of Participants Glossary

 By James Gates -

1. Introduce Yourself

  • The Concept is their name and the definition block is a few sentences about themselves - where they live (in general), etc. And, I always suggest that they end it by completing the sentence, "You might be surprised to learn that I...." I always learn so much about my students with that last question.


Job Tips and Tricks Glossary

by Leah Hemeon -

We're just getting into Moodle in my company's e-learning initiative. One of the ways we're trying to encourage employees to go and use the site is by using a glossary as a place to share on the job tips and tricks. We often get people sending mass emails with a system or customer tip and we want to encourage them to use the glossary to compile them. We did turn on the "approval" part as the training team has to check the entries for accuracy before they're displayed. We think this will work because it will be one repository for all tips and it gives credit to those who submitted them.


Language Vocab Glossary with audio files

by Chad Outten - 

For language classess...
we use the glossary activity to:
+enter keyword in Concept field
+in definition field
-add translation
-link to audio file that says the word


Mini Research Projects Glossary

by Randy Orwin -

· A high school science teacher used a glossary for students to create mini research projects on the organs of the body. Each student had to do the research on an organ and then post information, including photos and other graphics in kind of an encyclopedia format. The work the students did was very impressive.

Moodle Tips Glossary

by Tammy Moore -

We are building a master course with tips on using Moodle tools. We are working on using a global glossary so that Random Glossary in course sidebars can display tips coming out from this course. We are thinking this will expand the student's abilities with the tools and encourage teachers to try adding new types of activities in to their courses.


Overview of Topic Glossary

by Andy Diament - 

I've had some successful sessions where I've encouraged students to create as many entries as they can in 20 minutes, as an overview after a topic. We reviewed them afterwards.

I've had glossaries that students have built up themselves over a term or more. Once printed off using the pretty print option, 2 pages per A4 sheet, they look like quite significant revision aids. You could do this with an existing glossary.
Andy D


Problem with Keeping Glossary Data

By A. T. Wyatt - 

· tutorials for photoshop (they uploaded their created image, linked to the tutorial, and gave it a rating for quality)

My only problem was trying to roll the glossary over for the next semester. Student work was lost. I probably didn't know how to do it, but I have to start my courses over with a new course id because I always need to update the quizzes. That messed me up, because I wanted the glossaries to just keep growing over time.
I hope to be inspired myself! Thanks for opening this discussion!

Paula Clough--- April 19, 2009

Export the entries out of the glossary before you reset the course then import them back in... Let me know if you need help with how to do this...


Quiz Questions From Students Glossary

by Randy Orwin - 

· The same high school science teacher used another glossary to have students create three quiz questions from the research that they did in the organ study glossary. This glossary was setup so that the students were given one of the Moodle quiz format types, and they created quiz questions matching one of the import formats. The glossary was set so that teacher approval was required before any posts were live so students couldn't see each others questions. After all the questions were submitted, the teacher exported them into a text document and imported all the questions into the quiz module and then tested the students. It worked flawlessly.

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