Maths Terms for 11-13 Yr Olds

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James says: "This is glossary of terms for UK KS3 Maths,[ages 11-13] taken Works quite well with a 'random glossary entry' html block on a main course page since the definitions are in a small font size.

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Also known as 'index' or 'power'. A number, positioned above and to the right of another, indicating repeated multiplication. 

Exponents may be fractional or negative. Examples: 81/3 = 2, which is the same as the cube root of 8.


A mathematical form expressed symbolically. Examples: 7 + 3; a2 + b2.

An expression is different from an equation in that it doesn't have an equals sign =. 



In geometry, one of the flat surfaces of a solid shape. Example: a cube has six faces.


When a number, or polynomial in algebra, can be expressed as the product of two numbers or polynomials, these are factors of the first. Expressing a number of polynomial as a product of its factors is known as factorising.

Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 are all factors of 12.

Example: (x-1) and (x+4) are factors of (x2 + 3x - 4).


Symbol: ft. An imperial measure of length. 1 foot = 12 inches. 3 feet = 1 yard. 1 foot is approximately 30 cm.

Imperial measurements are rarely used in modern times. 


An equation linking sets of physical variables, and allowing them to be evaluated, i.e. allowing their value to be found using other variables. Plural: formulae.


The result of dividing one integer by a second integer, which must be non-zero. The dividend (number being divided) is the on the numerator (top of the fraction) and the non-zero divisor is on the denominator (bottom of the fraction). Example: 1 divided by 3 is written as 1/3.

Frequency Table

A table for a set of observations showing how frequently each event or quantity occurs.



Symbol: gal. An imperial measure of volume or capacity, equal to the volume occupied by ten pounds of distilled water. In the imperial system, 1 gallon = 4 quarts = 8 pints. One gallon is just over 4.5 litres. Imperial units are rarely used in modern times.


The aspect of mathematics concerned with the properties of space and figures or shapes in space.

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