King James Bible (Samantha Davis)

Note: You may download the entries for this glossary here. If you wish to use this in your own Moodle course, first make a blank glossary and then follow the instructions for importing glossary entries here.

This glossary contains the first of many files - Samantha says: So... I put the entire bible (32k verses) into a glossary in the format:

Gen 1:1 (concept)
In the beginning... (definition)

I'm providing the link to it on Google Docs. Inside the zip file, you'll find 11 .txt files. part1-10 are the txt files that you upload into the glossary import. They range from 1.9 to .7 MB, I believe. The other one is a sample file - if you needed to break up the files more. Just paste inside the space. 

Tìm bảng từ bằng cách sử dụng phụ lục này

Đặc biệt | A | Ă | Â | B | C | D | Đ | E | Ê | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | Ô | Ơ | P | Q | R | S | T | U | Ư | V | W | X | Y | Z | TẤT CẢ

Trang: (Trước)   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  ...  86  (Tiếp theo)


Lev 11:1

And the LORD spake unto Moses and to Aaron, saying unto them,

Lev 11:10

And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:

Lev 11:11

They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.

Lev 11:12

Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

Lev 11:13

And these are they which ye shall have in abomination among the fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,

Lev 11:14

And the vulture, and the kite after his kind;

Lev 11:15

Every raven after his kind;

Lev 11:16

And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk after his kind,

Lev 11:17

And the little owl, and the cormorant, and the great owl,

Lev 11:18

And the swan, and the pelican, and the gier eagle,

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