Geography Department
Geography is a study of the world as the home of people. It involves understanding natural and cultural environments, their characteristics and how they are shaped by processes that create spatial patterns. It also involves understanding how people interact with natural and cultural environments and the consequences of this interaction.
The Year 11 Geography Course
This course is designed to prepare students for the completion of two Achievement Standards - one internal - completing Geographic research, and one external - applying Geographic skills. It also covers a range of Geographic topics, and prepares students for the requirements of Level 2 Geography. It introduces students to the important Geographic Concepts, the characteristics of the Natural Environment and human interactions with it, Population Studies, Current Geographic Issues,Global studies, Geographic Research, Use of Geographic skills and an introduction to Geographic Information Systems. Field trips take place to Wellington (focusing on a range of Geographic skills and knowledge), and to a local farm, looking at the use of renewable resources.
The Year 12 Geography Course
This course builds on the ideas and Geographic Concepts introduced in Level 1. It then goes on to look in more detail at natural environments (case study is the Manawatu natural environment), differences in development globally (case study Tanzania), Global studies (Case study - Tropical Rainforests), Current Geographic issues (Case study - Manawatu River water quality), Geographic Research and Use of Geographic skills. A fieldtrip examining the Manawatu natural environment occurs.
The Year 13 Geography Course
This course builds on the ideas and Geographic Concepts introduced in Level 2. It then examines interacting natural processes in a New Zealand geographic environment (Tongariro National Park), Tourism Development (case study Rotorua ), Global studies, Current Geographic issues, Geographic Research and Use of Geographic skills. Feldtrips to Tongariro National Park and Rotorua (tourism) take place.
Geography Department News