Mechanical Engineering Technology Department
There is a wide variety of career opportunities in mechanical engineering today. Many of these require additional skills in design, computers and electronic control. There is an expectation that engineers of the future will be able to multi-task, from using CAD programmes for design, programming CNC machines and control systems through to final production and quality control. An alternative to this are the apprentice training programmes, which provide a paid learning environment, and can lead to multiple career pathways for those with the right attributes and commitment to succeed.
Year 9 Workshop Metal
This is a two term programme with aim of exposing Year 9 students to a limited range of processes to develop a basic understanding of metalwork, and to gain a basic skill set. This should assist students to make a reasonably informed decision for next year’s option class choices.
Year 10 Workshop Metal
This is a two term programme with aim of developing the skills and knowledge necessary for continuing to Level 1 at Year 11. Students will consolidate the work learnt in Year 9, and will be exposed to a broader range of processes and information.
Year 11 Mechanical Engineering Technology Level 1
This is a one year Unit Standard programme developed by COMPETENZ, the industry training organization for engineering, and offers a total of 14 level 1 credits. Students must have met the pre-requisites for acceptance onto this programme. However, an 11MECX exists for student with no previous experience. Each programme offers a mix of theory and practical experience to students in preparation for Year 12.
Year 12 Mechanical Engineering Technology Level 2
This course is an in school standard provided from COMPETENZ offering 18 credits at Level 2. The course consists of three components: Technical Drawing, Machining and Fabrication. The programme offers a mix of theory and practical experience to students in preparation for Vocational pathways.
Students must have met the pre-requisites for acceptance onto this programme.( Completion of Level 1 Mechanical Engineering)
Year 13 Mechanical Engineering Technology Level 3
This course is an in school standard provided from COMPETENZ offering 18 credits at Level 3. The course consists of three components: Technical Drawing, Machining and Fabrication. The programme offers a mix of theory and practical experience to students in preparation for Vocational pathways. There is a choice of pathways, a fabrication pathway - making a pocket motorbike or a machining pathway – manufacturing precision components.
Students must have met the pre-requisites for acceptance onto this programme.( Completion of Level 2 Mechanical Engineering)
Year 12 Level 2 Technical Drawing Programme