Topic outline


    Welcome to Palmerston North Boys' High Library!

    Palmerston North Boys’ High School has a well-resourced library located on site, fitted with a computer suite, for student use.

    The School Library is an important and well resourced facility for the use of both students and staff. The generous opening hours (8:10am – 4:30pm daily) allow young men to access and use the 20 desktop computers and 32 Chromebooks for research and assessment purposes.

    The Library contains approximately 15,500 books (including graphic novels) and about 11,000 book issues are made annually. There are also approximately 650 DVD’s for issue.

    The Library is a vibrant and busy venue at interval and lunch time in particular, as young men make use of the bean bags and comfortable chairs for reading and playing the available board games.

    The Library is also utilised as a teaching space when learning activities require additional print and electronic resources. The Library is equipped with a data projector to facilitate this. There are two teaching spaces which are heavily used.

    The well qualified Library staff are experts in providing our young men with assistance in selecting reading books and advice with research activities.





    Don't forget to check out the What Book site for over 1000 reviews!


    Digital Resources at your fingertips

    -  Use ONE SEARCH on our Library Web App for hundreds of relevant journal and newspaper articles. Log in then find it from Stratus Library tab then "Search for a book".

    -   TOPIC EXPLORER (National Library : Services to Schools)

    -   CRASH COURSE - Crash Course is one of the best ways to educate yourself, your classmates and your family on YouTube!

    -   SHORT STORY GUIDE -  Short Story Guide is designed to help high school teachers, students and reading lovers find the right story and allow them to easily read online short stories free, where possible. It has examples of many types of stories.


                                                                            YEAR 9 READING CHALLENGE

    This competition challenges Year 9s to read a certain number of books in 2024. The rewards for finishing this challenge are receiving a certificate from the Rector at a whole school Assembly plus the Rector's Shout!                Read a book, fill in your Reading List and get it signed off by your teacher or one of the Library staff. If you read 15 books you will achieve the Bronze Certificate, 30 books will earn you the Silver Certificate and 60 books will earn you the Gold Certificate. Ask for the Reading Lists from the Library. 

                                                   RESEARCH TIPS

     By now, you will be starting your RESEARCH assignments - WE CAN HELP YOU!

    Use EPIC e-Resources  

    Search for free! 

    On expensive databases  -   full of full-text journal articles!

     Science in Context, Oxford Art Online, GREENR (Geography), World History in Context, etc.



    This page will connect seamlessly with any of the databases, if you are logged in to STRATUS. 

    If not, you can login as : palmyboyshs and ask Library staff for the password.

      Try them out! If you need help, just ask your Library staff!



    • Reading links


      Have a look at the different sources and tips offered below.

    • Display topics

      Graphic Novels, War, Cricket, Human Body, Shakespeare, Mensa. These are all perenial ones.