토픽 개요

  • Learning Support Department

    The Learning Support Department is designed to support the needs of students so they can achieve their full potential while at PNBHS.

    Learning support Classes

    Learning Support classes are made up of students who are identified as needing significant support. Their continuing place in the programme is dependent on good behaviour in class and a commitment to completing their homework. Effort is a key requirement. In Year 9, the emphasis is on developing basic knowledge, skills, and concepts, while in Years 10 and 11, we aim to prepare the students for NCEA Level 1.

    Extra English as an Option

    Students who are not included in the Learning Support programme, but who still have literacy needs, are provided with an Extra English option at Year's 9 and 10.

    Small Group Tuition

    Small learning groups are also available to develop specific skills, e.g. close reading of unfamiliar text, constructing reading responses and essays.

    English Language Tuition - ELT

    In Years 9 and 10 the students are taught the four language modes of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students are also exposed to New Zealand life and customs to integrate them into New Zealand society more easily. Year 11 students do a mix of Achievement Standards and Unit Standards. Each course fits the individual need of the student. Years 12 and 13 complete a full Achievement Standard course. UE literacy is the aim by the end of Level 2.

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