Taekwon Do Oceania and National Championships

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Taekwon Do Oceania and National Championships
Gerry Atkin發表於2018年 07月 24日(Tue) 10:29

The Taekwon Do Oceania and National Championships were held on the 14th and 15th of July in Wellington. Three PNBHS students came away with great results: Jack Watson (Y12) won three Gold medals, for second Dan Patterns, Pre Arranged Sparring and Team Sparring. He also won two Silver medals for Individual Junior Black Belt Sparring and Team Power Breaking. Max Evans (Y10) won Bronze in Power Breaking (Pre Junior) and Silver in Sparring (Pre Junior Hyper Weight). Ryan How (Y9) won Bronze for patterns in the Pre Junior 3rd to 4th group and Gold for sparring in the Pre Junior Light Heavy Weight division. In the photograph below (left to right): Max Evans, Jack Watson, Ryan How.