Hockey Awards

Picture of Gerry Atkin
Hockey Awards
by Gerry Atkin - Friday, 30 October 2020, 7:50 AM

At assembly on Wednesday, presentations were made to young men in the 1st XI Hockey team.

Doug Somerville Trophy for the Most Improved New Player - Finn O’Malley

Parsot Brothers Cup - Most Goals - Zac Buinimasi and Blake Rhodes-Robinson

Dentice Cup - Best Forward - Blake Rhodes-Robinson

Ward Cup - Most Improved Player - Jay Ranchhod

King Cup - Best Back - Jay Ranchhod & Zac Buinimasi

Chu Brothers Cup- Sportsmanship/Loyalty/Effort - Ben Loudon

Champions Trophy - Most Valued Player - Malaki Masoe

Phillips Family Cup - Greatest Contribution to the 1st XI Hockey - Zac Buinimasi

Caps 2020

Finn O’Malley

Jay Ranchhod

Perry Smith

Jamie Thompson


Zac Buinimasi

Matthew Dellow

Finn Hannan

Ben Havord

William Morgan

Blake Rhodes-Robinson

Macca Williams


Ben Loudon - captain

Connor Managh

Malaki Masoe 

Congratulations to these young men, it is great to be able to recognise your hard work and dedication.

Many thanks to Simon O'Connor and Hunting and Fishing for their support throughout the season, also thank you to Metro Glass who supported the Colts Hockey team this season.