1st XI Hockey Report

Nutzerbild von Sally Wenham
1st XI Hockey Report
von Sally Wenham - Friday, 13. August 2021, 11:26

1st XI Hockey v Rongotai College Report

On Wednesday, the 1st XI Hockey Team travelled to Wellington to play Rongotai College in a recently started annual exchange. The Rongotai 1st XI is coached by an ex 1st XI Hockey Captain Levi Loudon. The Loudon family have donated a Cup for this fixture to be played for each year. Levi's grandfather and young er brother Ben have also captained the PNBHS 1st XI.

The match started well with both teams playing some structured hockey. However, gaps began opening in the Rongotai defence, which the PNBHS forwards exploited. Riley Theobald was the first to score, followed by a penalty corner drag from Ben Havord.
The second quarter continued in the same vein, with the game opening up. PNBHS started to pass the ball more, creating more scoring opportunities through Ben Havord (2) and Riley Theobald. With a half-time lead of 5 – 0, the 1st XI wanted to focus on clinical passing hockey.

The third quarter saw goals from Hael Pritchard, Perry Smith and Riley Theobald's third. The match completely opened up in the fourth quarter with goals to Perry Smith, Zach Carline, Ben Havord (his fourth) and Macca Williams. The final score was a 12-0 win to PNBHS.

Congratulations to Captain Ben Havord on his 100th game for the 1st XI Hockey Team.

Thank you to our 1st XI Hockey Sponsors