Technical Glossary -- (Kurt Smith)

Note: You may download the entries for this glossary here. If you wish to use this in your own Moodle course, first make a blank glossary and then follow the instructions for importing glossary entries here.

Kurt says:" A combo of ICT business and mobile phone terms. From my own entry and by incorporating some other glossaries. Anyone who has something similar let me know. Mobile phones in particular.

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n. average number of copies of a magazine sold in a particular period


Clamshell is a popular style of design for a mobile phone handset. The case is made in two halves that are joined together by a hinge at the centre, such that when the phone is brought into use it is opened like the shell of a clam.

classified ads

n. small advertisements in magazine or newspaper categorized by subject


cyan magenta yellow black


compressor decompressor OR compress decompress

Colour models

Colour models are ,for example, RGB or CMYK

Colour Modes

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is the colour model for light and the colour model for computer and TV screens.



n. paid advertisement on radio or TV


Components are movie clips with parameters that allow you to modify their appearance and behavior. Examples are radio buttons, check boxes, media controller or a scroll pane.


Components are drag-and-drop elements that you use to create a user interface almost instantly. Components are movie clips with parameters that allow you to modify their appearance and behaviour.

(Flash Help)

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