Technical Glossary -- (Kurt Smith)

Note: You may download the entries for this glossary here. If you wish to use this in your own Moodle course, first make a blank glossary and then follow the instructions for importing glossary entries here.

Kurt says:" A combo of ICT business and mobile phone terms. From my own entry and by incorporating some other glossaries. Anyone who has something similar let me know. Mobile phones in particular.

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Geographic Information System (GIS),

"A computer-based mapping system. Maps, including Ordnance Survey, linked to associated databases, e.g. census surveys.",


graphic interchange format


Gradients allow you to create the illusiuon of depth and allows you to blend colors.

Graph plotter,

Software which will draw on screen the graph of a mathematical function.,

Graphical calculator,

A calculator that can be programmed to draw graphs of mathematical functions.,


When the grid is displayed in a document, it appears as a set of lines behind the artwork in all scenes. You can snap objects to the grid, and you can modify the grid size and grid line colour.


graphical user interface


Guides are a feature in Flash to help you lay out the Stage more precisely. Guides are horizontal and vertical lines you can use as drawing aids while you



Hyper Text Markup Language

This is the language web pages are usually written in, if a phone is said to html internet access this means it is not restricted to the mobile internet.


hypertext transfer protocol

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