Technical Glossary -- (Kurt Smith)

Note: You may download the entries for this glossary here. If you wish to use this in your own Moodle course, first make a blank glossary and then follow the instructions for importing glossary entries here.

Kurt says:" A combo of ICT business and mobile phone terms. From my own entry and by incorporating some other glossaries. Anyone who has something similar let me know. Mobile phones in particular.

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Virus Protection

A virus is a code which can either lie dormant in a computer and be not particualry harmful, but it can can also cause computers to shut down, lose of data, and even make the computer need to be reformatted. To prevent this Virus Protection has been created. There are many different programs for Virus protection or Anti-virus software, some working better than others, but the aim of all the programs is to protect your computer from harmful and useless virus's.

Voice conferencing

Several people can communicate audibly at a distance, either via the Internet, by means of a microphone attached to each computer, or via ordinary telephone lines.


virtual reality

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